Tips To help you stay productive While Working / Studying from home …

Follow Bibliomedico

Hey Guys ! How are you doing ? I hope You are at your home , staying safe and following all the recommended instructions .

After one of the discussions in the comments of my Instagram posts , I noticed many of you are currently studying ( Online ) or working from home , the same as my situation . So I thought , It would be beneficial for you , If I talked about some hacks and habits that help me stay productive as much as possible while doing my work and lectures from home :

  1. Embrace a routine : It’s very important to program your brain to work, take breaks , do chores or study  in specific hours . Our bodies strive on habits and routines .
  2. A dedicated Work space/ Study Space : will immediately get you in the mode . Try to avoid working / Studying in bed .
  3. Avoid multitasking : Try to schedule specific time for each task , That will help you tremendously with your productivity .
  4. Take Sensible breaks : Taking regular breaks from the screens, books , work , is very important for your focus , health and productivity . Try to do an off-Screen activity during your breaks .
  5. Switch it off : Using an Antic Procrastinating app is really important when you are working from home ( Flipd App / Forest App ) are amazing apps you could use .
  6. Try to organize a virtual group study sessions with your friends using apps Like ( Microsoft teams / Zoom ) .
  7. Work out / Do Yoga Or any activity inside your home : that will energize you and help your concentration .
  8. Plan your day , the night before : Planning could be as simple as using a sticky note to write your tasks or using a planner .
  9. Control your Coffee intake and try to replace caffeine with healthier drinks that will boost your immunity .
  10. Good Sleep is so important for productivity .

I hope you find these tips helpful .

Again please follow your Country’s instructions regarding the dealing with COVID-19 . Stay safe and take care .

As Always , thanks for reading .

Until next time .

Stay strong and change the world.

Lana ❤




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